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Mid-Appalachian Region of
the National Speleological Society


Caves are an unique non-renewable natural asset. They are protected for our use and benefit, and the enjoyment and benefit of future generations of cavers.

Caves are protected by state law in the state that the cave resides in. "All" caves on federal lands are protected by Federal Law.

Help enforce the law by reporting any suspected violations to the
cave owner and the appropriate law enforcement authority.

Cavers can make a difference to conserve caves and their resouces. Both cave acts in Pennsylvania were passed as a result of the tireless efforts over several years by Judi Stack, NSS 18840SU CM FE. Thank you Judi!

Like many of our natural parks and scenic areas, caves too have become trampled, vandalized, and covered with graffiti. What was once a beautiful and fragile speleothem has now been broken or stolen. Each act of vandalism diminishes your enjoyment and the beauty of a cave. Please remember cave conservation and good caving practices when caving.

"When Caving, Take Nothing But Pictures, Leave Nothing But Footprints,
and Kill Nothing But Time"
.....NSS Motto

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